The Indonesia Prime Journal on Volume 4 number 1 publish article Andi Tamarudduin Khamar in the perspective of Islamic law discussing about Islam as a religion and the right for fourteen centuries ago, has warned even prohibiting Muslims from consuming liquor because by consuming these drinks, someone is potentially drunk, so reason can no longer be enabled to think and can ruin the health of oneself and can disturb others, Asrullah explaining about The synergy of The Corruption Eradication Commission, police, and prosecutors in the eradication of corruption crimes Corruption is also a violation of the community's beliefs. It can say that the characteristics of the behavior of corruption, among others, adequate education, has a high social status, rich and influential in society, and has authority, both in government and in private enterprises, Fadli Andi Natsif explain The existence of international law in inter-state conflict interactions or relations between countries does not cover the likelihood of conflict between them. International law, as one of the legal instruments governing inter-country relations, expected to play a role in settling in the event of a conflict.

Hiksyani Nur Khadijah and Aan aswari article title Ammatoa's inheritance law system describe Ammatoa Kajang District of South Sulawesi consisting of community groups Ilalang Embayya and embayya  Ipantarang remained effective in running their customary inheritance according to instructions from the leader of Ammatoa bohe ' amma based on Turie ' Akra'kna. Ika Novitasari Ijab Kabul in different time range in majene regency. This research conducts Majene with the object of research in the District Banggae, District East Banggae, and District Malunda.  This type of research is that researchers use normative-empirical, Interface truth  material  with prohibition of use of the results of the aircraft accident investigation  as a tool of evidence by  results of the investigation is not made for the judicial system but rather aims of improving flight safety and prevent accidents with the same cause, Muhammad Yusran, Nuraeni, Bahrul Ulum Ilham explained Community  empowerment through increasing knowledge of the family economic in coastal communities at the Banggae Timur of Majene regency.

Empowerment can see as an effort to train people to have responsibilities in doing work that can improve the quality of his life.  This entrepreneurship workshop is a program for community service conducted by the lecturer from the Faculty of the Economics University of West Sulawesi. The model for regulating press coverage that applies the principle of presumption of innocence by Mustawa News of the press that respects the principle of presumption of innocence and competence of journalists writing legal news and Stándar the journalist's profession in the Press Act. Environmental Conservation through law enforcement in Sulawesi Barat by Sulaeman, Fatwansyah analyze Forest is a forest area that has a basic function as a protection of the buffer system of life to regulate water, prevent flooding, control erosion, prevent seawater intrusion, and maintain soil fertility

Published: 2019-11-30